Monday, December 20, 2010

Let it Snow . . ..

o m g !!!!! listen to this . . . .

E-A-G-L-E-S !!!!

what a game WHAT A GAME !!!!! im not gonna lie, i thought we were gonna take an L last night and i really couldnt believe what i was watching but it was true - my boys KILLLEEDDD IT . Vick and Jackson are crazy together. And i am NOT a fan of Desean Jackson - he is wayyyy to cocky for me and he think he dont need to respect no one because hes good and that might come around to bite him in the ass one day that it could really effect the team (like the Super Bowl we will be going to this year). BUT i gotta give it to him, he did the damn thing last night. Vick literally ran the ball the last quarter basically and Jackson just topped it off with that run.

iunno what was more exciting for philly - Cliff Lee coming back or the Eagles winning against the Giants ?!

Married Men vs. Single Women

So im on facebook today .. doing my typical nosy'ing around ... and i come across this ... well lets just call her a smut (and thats being nice). now i know this girl from mutual friends .. who arent her friends anymore .. but we met not too long ago and i was informed she has a thing for married men. so i see a status pop up on my feed talking about how married men need to stop talking to her and she looking for the real men and all that nonsense ... and a few things came to mine - but the first thing was ....


im confused. whores are whores. they fuck. thats all they good for. fucking. they ruthless people too because they dont care if the dude got a wife, kids, girl, baby mom, ex girl whos still in the picture - WHATEVER. they just dont care. they just wanna fuck. so if thats the case - you cannot be EMOTIONAL. you are breaking all rules of being a whore if you wanna cry about the treatment you get by these men who already have lives and have HAD lives before you entered the picture.


you sitting up there posting shit and being depressed about how he dont have time for you. hey sweetheart, hes MARRIED with KIDS. you come after all soccer games, homework, baths, and diaper changes. you are not a priority so again, if you gon step into that world - KNOW HOW TO ACT. you breaking the rules again.

it just makes me laugh at the people in this day and age. fuckin ruthless whores and then gon be made when they get played. his wife/girl is better then me. because let me find out some shit like that is going on and im off'in both of em.

until next time kids ...

R U N ( D M C )

; )

Accessory Freak !!

i have become thee BIGGEST accessory nut in the world. every time i go shopping now, im more into the jewelry then i am clothes. i even have my boyfriend picking out rings and earrings for me hahaha. i went the other day to find shoes and i got everything BUT shoes .... i love this Fedora (had to get it) ... its like a darker tan - almost brown and it'll look good in the summer with my bathing suit too since my other one is all dented and busted up lol. i HAD TO HAVE these earrings (even though my dumb ass bought a broken pair and i cant return jewelry. mine are missing a feather but best believe i will still be rocking them lol). i have this new infatuation with feather earrings .. i have brown ones, teal ones, purple ones, i have em all colors. i really want the peacock ones. and i gonna have to place an order on because i NEEEED this pair of nude heels. but im getting off topic .... lastly, i love this gold cuff. NOT the exact one i have - i have a longer one ... i got it at hnm but i love it! and it'll go with my gladiator sandels in the summer : ) . see i think ahead on these things... now all i gotta do is explain that to my bank account ....

New Nail Polish !

before you freak out - its def. not this blue. Its a Matte color therefore its not shiny and bold .. it comes out darker and just bland. i put clear on top them though so i could get mine a little shiny ... but thats just me. LOVE this color and i was surprised because im def NOT a blue nail fan .... but i really like this color. its Different. and i like different. try it !


My little brother/cousin got accepted to Yale last friday for his academics and to row and i am so proud of him! Ever since he jumped out the womb he has been the smartest guy ive ever met - and its paid off! i wish him the best of luck next year! I went out yesterday and found me a Yale hoodie to show my support for him. Good thing i look good in Navy ; )

Monday, December 13, 2010

Friends . . .

im having a hard time these days trying to figure out who my real friends are and quite frankly, if i even have any. its so hard to find good, genuine, REAL people in general let alone find MORE then one. i kind of feel like the friends that i do have - were only friends because of the lifestyle i was living. we were always going out, so we were friends because we go to clubs together or go out with dudes together. but at the end of the day, thats all it was. because now that we dont do that stuff anymore ... ALL my friendships with people have changed. and thats pretty sad. I feel like while i am a very difficult person to be around ALL the time, i still feel like im a genuine person and some people will say that im "mean" or im a "bitch" which is very true ... but im also a very realistic person. i dont beat around the bush, i dont lie, i wont save ur feelings if you need to be told something .. and thats the type of friend i want. i dont want a friend thats only there to go out with or to shop with. i want a friend i can count on for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. i want a friend that no matter how many days go by without us speaking, that still doesnt effect the relationship that we have.

i feel like just like in todays day and age, its near impossible to marry 1 person forever ... i feel like its near impossible to find a good friend.

and thats very sad . . .

NEW Color!

got the nails did today ... now this isnt the EXACT color i have but its damn near close .... LOVE this! it turns colors in different light!! ya'll know i love me some dark shades and this is #perfect!! not too holiday-ish but i feel like you can dress according to this color ( because i always match my clothes to my nail polish lol) and you can dress it up or dress it down.

LOVE it!
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .