Monday, December 20, 2010

E-A-G-L-E-S !!!!

what a game WHAT A GAME !!!!! im not gonna lie, i thought we were gonna take an L last night and i really couldnt believe what i was watching but it was true - my boys KILLLEEDDD IT . Vick and Jackson are crazy together. And i am NOT a fan of Desean Jackson - he is wayyyy to cocky for me and he think he dont need to respect no one because hes good and that might come around to bite him in the ass one day that it could really effect the team (like the Super Bowl we will be going to this year). BUT i gotta give it to him, he did the damn thing last night. Vick literally ran the ball the last quarter basically and Jackson just topped it off with that run.

iunno what was more exciting for philly - Cliff Lee coming back or the Eagles winning against the Giants ?!
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .