Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Real Housewives of NJ Reunion !!

since last weeks finale and this weeks reunion - it felt like the week dragged onnn and onnnnn. i LOVE this show. well, i dont love the show. i love the DRAMA of the show! the minute i saw that Theresa was gonna shove Andy, i knew i had to be front and center come 10pm. and it was well worth the wait.

Caroline - she is your typical italian woman. protects her family to the fullest. and is strong and direct. she could cut your throat with just her words and her demeanor - she dont even need to freak the fuck out. shes my favorite and i was not surprised when 70-some people said they would want her as a mother.

Jacqueline - ya know ... i dont know what to think about her. i want to like her. but i think shes caught up between being cool mom and real mom. i think she wants to be too much of a friend to her daughter then be an actual mom - or at least thats the way it was before because her daughter just needs to be punched in the head. nevertheless - i think she is the most hurt by Danielle because when she talks about her - its a little bit more deep then when Theresa screams or when Caroline plays her .. you can tell at one point she was friends with her and now shes just pissed. we'll see, maybe season 3 ill like her ... or wait, will it be 4?

Theresa - girl, we need to work on you. i know your italian, you got the italian fight and anger and all that - but we need to work on the faces you make and the way your voice sounds when you get mad. because you want to be sounding intimidating when all you do is sound like a duck who just got hit by a bus. and damn, i was waiting for her to just punch Danielle .. i mean shit, if you gon be that close and be yelling - just seal the deal. but no. no cigar. i do kinda agree with Danielle - why do she be dressing her kids like that? they be looking all wild and what not. still, shes my favorite. even if shes broke and in denial.

Danielle - she is just crazy. she is delusional. and just out of her mind. she needs to get beat up. Ashley shoulda ripped her fake lips off instead of her fake hair extensions. i did crack up though when they were all putting her on blast could you tell she was embarrassed and didnt know what to say - but hoes really dont have excuses i guess. they just hoes. either way, if i was one of them - she woulda been laid on a stretcher by the end of the 1hr and 15 min show. ps. i know her gay ass hairstylist was not CRYING when Theresa came at her. PAHleaseeeee.

apparently they filmed this whole reunion in 8 hours ... part 2 is next week .. and while im excited, i feel like all the good stuff happened this time. but we shall see.
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .