Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Bubba !!

so my bubbs turned 25 on Sunday ... we were in Maryland for the weekend with some friends and we had SO much fun! i want to go back so bad - and all the pictures make me miss it even more! usually i post a bunch of my favs from the weekend but all of them are my favorite lol SO ill just post my favorite part - they have a photographer that walks around on the beach and takes pictures of people professionally .. so we got them done ... and while it was awkward having people watch us on the beach - i LOVE the pics and it was WELL worth it ... take a look ...

adore these ...

ugh take me back.

mrh; my baby is an old man now!!! hahaha. oh how beautiful you are !! im amazed at the person you are and im thankful for you every day .. you are my best friend - i tell you everything (even the shit u dont wanna hear haha) and i laugh harder with you than anyone in this WORLD. you are my lover - the passion we have between us is incredible and i love making love to you : ) . you are my past - our college days. you are my present - i love making memories with you. and you are my future - i see my whole life in your eyes. you are the most amazing man in this world and my children will be blessed to have you as a father - a father that i never had. i adore every move you make. please dont ever change. ever. i love you stinks and i hope you had a great birthday! i wish you many many more!!
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .