ladies and gentlemen - this is plaid:

a color mixed with black and in checkboard pattern = making my skin crawl. ugh im so over it. and the bitches who wear the shirt with the matching ballet slipper with the same color plaid in them irks my SOUL. i liked it when it first came out .. like 4 Fall's ago. now its just out played and i cant stand it.
now this, is FLANNEL:

the Lumberjack style, with neutral colors mixed in in a thicker stripe pattern - NO CHECKBOARD . i even have this Flannel shirt and i LOVE it. this is cute. looks cute with regular jeans buttoned up or a white tank and the shift unbuttoned with the cuffs rolled up.
so there. if you ever have any doubt - there is a visual for you to see the difference.
plaid = fail
flannel = success.