Monday, November 29, 2010

24 on the 24th !

Whelp - ya girl is old. i turned 24 on the 24th ... i don't feel any different ... maybe .. well definitely a lot wiser .. but physically, no different. how was my birthday you ask? u may not ask but i know ur wondering so here - > IT SUCKED. ok. the first half didnt suck. the first half was actually quite perfect. my husband made me breakfast in bed .. got me this beaUtiful bracelet and a edible arrangement aka my favorite. we went to have lunch with my dad, which is probably the first birthday since my parents were together that i actually saw my dad on my actual birthday. but the 2nd half was just pure disaster. without me going into a huge tangent about how much of a disappointment it was - i came out of it with 2 things.

1. next year, i would be going anywhere. i will be spending it with my family and my husband because at the end of the day, they are all that matters.

2. i wont be attending/participating in anyones birthday unless its a family member or my husbands. bitches ruined my party and a bitch is what i will now be. so thank you : ).

BUT. i am very blessed and am thankful to see another year. here are a few pics from the evening:

yes, marc did give me a lap dance. it was the highlight of my night by far. bahahahaha.

i look forward to my 24th year in this world ... cant wait to learn, grow, and become so much more : )
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .