Friday, September 10, 2010

It's Jersey Shore BITCH !

so im catching up on last nights jersey shore as we speak. and let me just say - im glad SOMEONE punched jennie in her fuckin head. that girl is atrocious with her fake fuckin extensions that look HORRIBLE. like ive never seen extensions look THAT bad on someone. that is why white people cannot have extensions. because at the crowd of your head - the hair seperates. and then looks ratty and nasty. ANY - WAY ( ugh ), i like Sammi. i think shes stupid in love. but i still like her. Snooki ... im sorry but i love her. its like one of those things where the person is so ugly and funny - that they are cute and likable. i wanna be like her when i grow down. baahahaha.

oh shit. Vinnie just told Angelina shes the Rob Kardashian of Staten Island. baaaahahahahaha. i love Vinnie. he defly busted out of his shell on this season.

and LMFAO and pauly ... " theres nothing like a herpie to ruin the party" ... baaahahahahahhaha. #dead.

ok . until next week ...
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .