Sunday, September 12, 2010


Im really disappointed i didnt get to do this yesterday .. but better late then never. Yesterday was the 9 year anniversary of 9/11 ...its crazy beceause i can still remember where i was and everything that was going on when the planes crashed. it was 10th grade, 2nd period - Mrs. Williams social studies class .. the TV had already been turned on when we got there and we just sat in silence as the second plane hit. i can remember they made an announcement over the loud speaker that our school was under lock down and that no one could leave. there is naval base not too far from our school so while they didnt really know what was going to happen - they werent going to let any of us leave. finally at 235 we were let out and told to go straight home. i remember walking fast as shit from the bus stop to my house and rushed to call my mom who had been watching as well. that night no one could sleep because the plans and helicopters just kept flying over our houses. but our nervousness no where NEAR compared to what the families and friends of the victims were feeling. i cannot imagine the fear, the pain, the anxiety, and all the other emotions they were feeling. and still feel to this day. my prayers and thoughts continue to be with those families.

and to the many brave men and women who were on those planes that day and were in those buildings - you will FOREVER be in our hearts.

here is a video ive seen a few times before but i absolutely love it. this little girl lost her father in the attacks and shes talking to her father. its so emotional to listen to her and then watch the images that still replay in my mind from time to time, taking me back to that very day.

RIP and may God Bless America.
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .