Sunday, August 22, 2010

It's a Sunday Night . .

1. My ex ... is a nobody.

2. Maybe I should...
hmm . there's a lot i SHOULD do . where to begin? number one, i should def. relax a little more lol
3. I love... God, my family, and my bubba.
4. People would say that I am... well ..people that know me would say that i am funny and a sweetheart... people who dont know me or people who dont like me would say im a COMPLETE bitch.

5. I don't understand....
love. no matter how hard i try, its that one thing in life that no one will EVER understand.

6. When I wake up in the morning.....
i groan. check my phone. then pee. in that order.
7. I trust.... my mom and bubba. and thats it.

8. Life is full of...
9. My past taught me.... A LOT. to sum it all up - the past is taught me where i come from and to never forget that .. that family is EVERYTHING and no matter what they will ALWAYS be there... that in order to move on in life you HAVE to know how to forgive .. and that people leave so better people can walk in ...

10. I get annoyed when .....
i get annoyed at everything really. i cant just pick one thing.
11. Parties are ..... corny. im not a fan.

12. I wish ...
i had 5 gabillion dollars and i lived in a place with no humidity with just me and my bubba.
13. Dogs... FLOOFER!
14. Cats ... gross.
15. Tomorrow ... is back to reality : (
16. I have a low tolerance for... for everything.

17. If I had a million pounds...
had a million pounds of what?

18. I'm totally terrified of...
death. not mine but of someone close to me.
19. When I look at the night sky I think... that shit is mad wide lol
20. If I could be anyone it would be..... myself. thats all i ever wanna be and thats all i can be.
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .