Sunday, July 25, 2010

Jesus Take the Wheel ..

so im surfing through facebook looking at pics of peoples weekend and i came across the craziest buffoonery i have ever seen. i can honestly say - i dont miss the club days AT ALL . let me repeat - AT ALL . this is apparently went down last night at Plush ... (look with caution .. it gets a little scary)

ima ease ya'll into this ... you can thank me when its all over ...

mother . of . pearl.

these next 2 i literally had to stop and ask myself "what in the hell is that" ..

ummm her stomach ??? and her face ??? baby jesus ...

now this next jawn took things to a whole different level ...

that is someones daughter ... oh hell no. if this aint the billboard for birth control iunno what is. that and condoms. shit i feel like people need to triple wrap after seeing what goes down in some peoples lives. **shivers**

there was some cuteness at the party. these are the only 2 pictures where i thought the females looked decent. now i wasnt there so mind you i cant tell you if they went buck wild too BUT they at least cute in these pics. and dont get me started on the men. they look like they all broke curfew to be there.

ahhh married life is DEF. the good life.
. love . live . life . proceed . progress .